Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What your children will look like...

I just finished speaking with a student who is convinced that her LSAT score will determine what school she'll be admitted to, who she'll marry, what kind of mortgage she'll get, how her children will look like and what kind of car she'll drive (she literally listed all of the above).

It's always a challenge to dispel these myths because while horribly blown out of proportion, I don't want to send the wrong message that the LSAT isn't important.

But if we live in a world where a petty set of three-digit numbers will conclusively determine what our spouses will look like, I'd rather not take my chances, but live the rest of my life single.

If you are one to think that the LSAT is going to completely determine the rest of your life, then perhaps you're young enough to remember that the SATs were also going to determine the rest of your life.


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