Sunday, December 09, 2007

More of "nerd" in me than I thought

At first I was in denial, but I've come to accept that the "beast" (a.k.a. law school exams) can bring out both the best and worst in me. I'm more "nerd" than I thought.

I finished my first (EVER) law school exam yesterday - the shortest 3 hours of my life. I'm strictly sticking to the "no talk" policy re: exam, so you won't find me chit-chattering about the contents of the beast.

For the last week (or so), I was literally studying, studying, studying....and studying. I gave my body and soul some down time - eating well and making sure to catch a flick everyday - nevertheless, it was one huge tornado of a ride. The night before the exam, I went to bed at 10:30 p.m. Started counting sheep; tossed and turned. I looked at my alarm (my dying cell phone) and it's 12:30 a.m. I called my girlfriend (10:30 p.m. her time) to share with her the woe of my inability to fall asleep: "I counted to 200, but I'm still awake!"

I don't remember exactly how, but I dozed, somehow, into sleep. I wake up from what I think was a dream (at this point dream and reality is really hard to distinguish). I look at my alarm, it's 2:30 a.m.-ish. I toss and turn some more....

Despite the struggle to fall asleep, I was perky the next morning. I packed my backpack (laptop, outline, and my big purple "Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.") and started for the law school approximately half an hour before action-time.

Classmates were very considerate. No unnecessary chit-chats. One fellow, however, spazzed out about forgetting to bring a pen. The proctor started reading instructions and before I knew it, I was trying to tame the beast.

To tell you the honest truth, I have NO idea how I did. But I'm came out of that battle alive. =)

It's one day after my first combat, and what am I doing? Instead of tending to my wounds (resting), I'm studying for my next encounter (which happens to be tomorrow). =(

Okay, so here's the funny thing about it all. It's weird, sick and twisted, but I'm beginning to actually enjoy this torture - thus my sudden epiphany: "nerd." It's really really weird. I hate it, yet I love it. I can't wait until I finish killing this beast, so that I can go off and enjoy the holiday season with my girlfriend and family. Yet, I'm sorta content (I dare say, even happy) studying, studying, studying just to conquer the beast.

I suppose it's perspective? Compared to what I was doing before coming to law school (everything and anything, but no control or say over my time), I have complete and utter control. It's not so bad.

Anyhow, back to learning the ins-and-outs of this beast.


At 12:21 PM , Blogger Justice Moustache said...

You are right to say it really isn't that bad. It's not. People freak out about law school and go on ad nauseum about how crazy and difficult it is, but all it is is learning analytical skills and then doing a lot of work. Nothing unmanageable.

It's entertaining for me to go back and read my blog posts from last year during my 1L finals... oh how things change.

Good luck!

At 1:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to say to you guys...whatever!


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