Friday, February 22, 2008

David Lat, from Above the Law, was here!

It's been FOREVER since I last wrote on my blog. I hate it how plans don't sometimes fall into place. I promised myself that I would post regularly . . . I let law school get the better of me. =(

So what's the occasion for my sudden posting (you might ask)? Well . . . the title of this post should speak for itself. DAVID LAT was here!!!

Though I highly doubt that anyone who managed to find this post will have trouble comprehending why I just used three exclamation marks, allow me to briefly explain why this man is such an inspiration for me to have returned from my long slumber.

Not only is he brilliant (did you click on the above link yet?), he's absolutely hilarious and charming. It sucks how some guys just have it all. But David Lat is just impossible to not love. Here's a guy who literally achieved ultimate prestige and glory in the field of law; he could have been a rainmaker at any top law firm (from Wachtell he could have gone anywhere), a professor at an ivory tower, perhaps a judge . . . maybe even a supreme court justice (I know I'm pushing it a little, but believe you in me that he has all the right credentials). Instead of continuing on that path, he decides to jump boats and pursue his passion to become Gossip King of Blogs!

After one of the most entertaining debates ever (more like stand-up comedy between Judge Richard Posner and David Lat - moderated by the venerable Prof. Lior Strahilevitz) I got to see David Lat again at the law school musical and then at a post party (at the Pub). David was constantly surrounded by my classmates. Quite frankly, I was impressed at David's ability to address any and every subject-matter thrown at him. He's very well versed in quite literally everything - I'll bet he knows more about pop culture, politics, legal gossip, law (in general), movies, songs, and fashion than any teenager and law professor duo. Ugh . . . that's not the best description of this man. I'm clearly not doing justice here.

In any case, I went out on a limb and asked David if he'd be willing to return to U of C if we invite him to be a guest speaker for one of our student organizations. He immediately said, "Yes." This guy is totally awesome.

In case you haven't check out his blog @ Above the Law.


At 5:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Man, you have to be a little more critical. You have to stop being a kiss-ass; noboby likes a kiss-ass. You are a nice guy but you have to chill a bit.

At 5:14 PM , Blogger Paragon2Pieces said...

let's hear more of your thoughts on law school when you get a chance :)

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